Monday, February 3, 2014

Never Be Afraid to Ask

       I just got back from the barn and wanted to write the story of how I got the amazing opportunity to ride Zack and Boo. It all started last summer. There was this beautiful barn just down the street from me, and I always wondered what it was and who owned it. It was even in a magazine I read, I was in awe of it. I decided to send them a letter. This honestly sounds so stupid looking back on it, but I did it anyways. So in this letter I wrote that I just wanted to be around horses, mucking, grooming, doing anything really. You could imagine my surprise when they sent me an email back asking me if I wanted to come visit! So of course, my mom and I went. We drove into the driveway and were so starstruck, this barn is amazing. We walked in, and it's even more gorgeous inside. We talked to the (wonderful) family who owns it, and they are some of the nicest people I've met. They are A circuit hunter/jumpers. I was never exposed to so many amazing horses and amazing riders until I walked through those doors. They were who I wish I could be/become. Then they asked me if I would like to ride their medium pony (Boo), who was coming back from a lease. I was so surprised, I sent a letter knowing I probably wouldn't get a response, and here I was riding their pony! I guess I did something right, because ever since then I have been riding there several times a week. I am honestly the luckiest kid ever. Now I am riding Boo, and attempting to bring him back into more consistent work. I have also started riding Zack, a quarter horse champion reiner who I get to help train to jump and get to show hunters and eqs on. I have never been riding more in my life, having multiple horses to ride at two different barns. I have never been learning and growing and getting better as fast in my riding career as I am now. My story just goes to show that asking is the best thing you can do. The worst someone can say is no, and even then you are no worse than you started. If you have big dreams in the horse world (like me), put yourself out there! Ride as many horses you can! The worst possible scenario of taking an opportunity is that you get experience if nothing else. In twenty years, it won't be the ribbons you won that make you a good rider. It will be the experiences, the tries and the fails, the good rides and the bad. Thanks for reading, and go out there and ASK!!!

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